David Beevor

Web Operations Manager
profile picture
David is our Web Operations Manager and he has worked in web and software development for over a decade.

With a focus on the management and development of WordPress sites during the last eight years, David enjoys problem-solving and loves turning people’s ideas into a fully working website. 

David is amazing at using his organisational skills and experience to curate and manage our different web projects and also enjoys learning about the different health services we offer that can make a big impact on people’s lives. 

Outside of work, David goes to and watches football with his daughter, his brother and two nephews (they’re all season ticket holders at Watford FC). David also coaches an under-15’s football team with his brother. David and his wife hit the gym at 6AM every day! He also confesses to spending too much time trainer shopping online. 

  • When David was little, he wanted to fly a Tornado in the RAF. 
  • David makes a mean omelette!
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