Client Success Stories: Connecting people to better health

Take a look at how we've helped brands connect with their audiences, make medical information more accessible, and create digital experiences that put patients first.

Air Liquide Making Diabetes Easier
WebsiteSEOMedical copywriting

Unblocking the MLR review for global medical device

Streamlined medical device marketing while maintaining compliance, scaling optimised content to dominate search results.

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Optimising OTC product visibility in competitive markets
SEOMedical copywriting

Optimising OTC product visibility in competitive markets

Enhanced market position for OTC products through targeted SEO strategy and compliant content development.

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Supporting Circle's evolution into UK's largest hospital group
Circle Health Group
WebsiteMedical copywritingSEO

Supporting Circle's evolution into UK's largest hospital group

Partnered with Circle Health to transform from regional provider to the UK's largest private hospital group.

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Ergéa Group
WebsiteSEOMedical copywriting

Global-to-local healthcare brand communication

Created corporate digital presence connecting global expertise with local markets through strategic communication.

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Multi-channel launch for infection control innovation
GAMA Healthcare
StrategyPaid mediaWebsiteMedical copywriting

Multi-channel launch for infection control innovation

Launched new infection control solution through targeted multi-channel campaign in competitive market.

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Restoring search visibility through expert content
Holland & Barrett
SEOMedical copywriting

Restoring search visibility through expert content

Restored search performance through expert-led content strategy following Google algorithm update impact.

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Market access and device launch for innovative cardiac monitoring tool
Paid mediaSEOMedical copywritingDesign & UX

Market access and device launch for innovative cardiac monitoring tool

Accelerated market adoption of cardiac monitoring technology through specialist audience engagement.

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International content strategy for health science portfolio
Nestlé Health Science
Design & UXMedical copywriting

International content strategy for health science portfolio

Delivered targeted healthcare marketing across international markets for diverse Nestlé Health Science portfolio.

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Navigating healthcare marketing restrictions for large scale, multinational patient education
Medical copywritingTranslationPaid media

Navigating healthcare marketing restrictions for large scale, multinational patient education

Maximised limited resources to educate patients about alternative treatment pathways for prevalent disease.

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Bridging legacy and innovation: The London Clinic’s digital evolution for the modern patient
The London Clinic
WebsiteSEOMedical copywritingPaid media

Bridging legacy and innovation: The London Clinic’s digital evolution for the modern patient

Brought premier private hospital's expertise and history to life through digital patient acquisition initiatives.

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Merit Medical
WebsiteDesign & UXStrategy

Elevating a medical device leader through strategic site redesign

Streamlined medical device marketing while maintaining compliance, scaling optimised content to dominate search results.

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